Janet Land
The main purpose of publishing the War Journal was to fulfill my mother’s wish to pass on her husband’s journal to all of his descendants. As I began to transcribe his journal, I uncovered more and more history of our family. The project grew to include my father’s childhood in Britain and life in Canada, right up to his untimely, tragic death, as well as family trees, histories and anecdotes, and Land and Moore military accomplishments.
Through his journal and photographs, I discovered more of the essence of my wonderful father, and I am thrilled to connect my children with their grandfather whom they never met. I am also happy to pass on his story to other family members and future descendants...and also, to the broader world. It is my hope that you, the reader, will enjoy meeting my father, William Douglas "Bill" Land. Who knows? Perhaps you will even be inspired to open up that oversize, dusty, leather-bound trunk in your attic or basement and uncover your precious heritage.
My biggest hope is that this book will spark or rekindle our appreciation for the sacrifices made by my father; his father, uncles, and brother; and all Allies in both World Wars. The completion of this book occurs almost 100 years after the end of WWI (November 11, 1918). When I began this book six years ago, I knew little about either of the World Wars.While I am not a history scholar by any means, I have gained a new-found appreciation for the sacrifices of my father, his relatives and all who went to war for their countries so that we could enjoy our freedom today.
This project has been a labour of love.